
After some tweaking of the site code and a fair bit of testing, it seems the Disqus comments system does work acceptably with this site.

Although the practical aspects of the integration seem to have worked, aesthetically it's a mess. This is something to live with.

Perhaps more of a serious issue though is the use of Disqus at all. I'm not keen on ceding control to random companies I know nothing about. However, there is something to be said for comments needing the social integration Disqus can provide. It'd be better to allow a peer-to-peer social comments system, but there doesn't seem to be any widely used standard for this.

As it happens, comments belong to their owners anyway, so I can leave it up to everyone else to decide whether they want to hand over their public thoughts to Disqus. Moveover the whole comments integration is more of a technical exercise since I can't imagine anyone with a worthwhile opinion actually wanting to leave comments. Consequently the question's a largely theoretical one.

So that's clear then: I've added a comments system that's a bit rubbish and which I'd prefer people not to use. I urge you to add your thoughts about this below.


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