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26 Oct 2023 : Day 71 #
Yesterday I was still digging around trying to figure out why the BrowsingContext isn't active by the time the first paint happens. I stepped carefully through the code on an ESR 91 build and also on an ESR 78 build for comparison.

I'd every intention of continuing today. Unfortunately I got sidetracked.

There was an excellent Sailfish Community Meeting this morning where the topic of forum moderation came up. The Sailfish Forum has had a number of problematic threads recently. Since leaving Jolla I've not been doing any moderation on the forum for multiple reasons, but during the Community Meeting I offered to try to take a more active role again.

Since Jolla was happy with this I've spent the evening working through flagged posts on the forum to try to decide how best to proceed with them. Moderation is notoriously difficult and I'm notoriously bad at making decisions, so this took some time.

So unfortunately the result is that I've not had time to do any gecko development today. Hopefully I can continue my debugging session tomorrow. I'll be travelling by train, which hopefully will give me the opportunity!

Don't forget that for the other entries in my developer diary, you can check out the Gecko-dev Diary page.


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