The main application window

Click once on the iconbar icon to open the main application window. It is from this window you are able to work with your email.

Figure 3

From the main application window you have 7 action buttons and one status symbol.

The status symbol has three states: -

Red: no activity

Flashing green: receiving/sending

Amber: waiting for data

Whilst the action buttons are quite self explanitary, here is a brief description of their actions. All these buttons only requre a single click: -

  1. Check for new email - this button will contact your email provider and look retrive a list of all email on the server
  2. Download from server - this button will download all selected(highlighted) email to memory. This can be a useful feature if you do not want to stay on-line to read your email. Please note, TapirMail does not delete the email from the server at this point, nor does it store the mail in a file for later retrieveal. When you quit TapirMail and restart, you will need to download the email from the server again to view it
  3. Discard local copies - TapirMail forgets about the email you have dowloaded
  4. Invert mail selection - Highlight/unhighlight selected email
  5. Delete from server - Deletes select mail from the remote mail server
  6. Write new emails - Opens a new window for you to write and send a new email
  7. Stop current network activity - TapirMail will stop it's current download/upload activity

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