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27 Mar 2024 : Day 198 #
I'm looking forward to getting back to a more balanced cadence with gecko development. It's been frustrating to be stuck on app seizing for the last couple of weeks, now that it's out of the way it'll be nice to focus on other parts of the code. But I'm not going to be wandering too far afield as I continue to try to get the WebView render pipeline working.

What's become clear is that the front and back buffer are being successfully created (and now destroyed!). So now there are two other potential places where the rendering could be failing. It could be that the paint from the Web pages is failing to get on the texture. Or it could be that the paint from the texture is failing to get on the screen.

I'd like to devise ways to test both of those things, but before I do that I want to first check another area that's ripe for failure in my opinion, and that's the setting of the display value. The EGL library uses an EGLDisplay object to control where rendering happens. Although it's part of the Khronos EGL specification, the official documentation is frustratingly vague about what an EGLDisplay actually is. Thankfully the PowerVR documentation has a note that summarises it quite clearly.
EGL uses the concept of a "display". This is an abstract object which will show the rendered graphical output. In most environments it corresponds to a single physical screen. After creating a native display for a given windowing system, EGL can use this handle to get a corresponding EGLDisplay handle for use in rendering.

The shift from ESR 78 to ESR 91 brought with it a more flexible handling of displays. In particular, while ESR 78 had just a single instance of a display, ESR 91 allows multiple displays to be configured. What the practical benefit of this is I'm not entirely certain of, but handling of EGLDisplay storage has become more complex as a result.

So whereas previously gecko had a single mDisplay value that got used everywhere, the EGLDisplay is now wrapped in a gecko-specific EglDisplay class, defined in GLLibraryEGL.h. This class captures a collection of functionalities, one of which is to store an EGLDisplay value. There can be multiple instances of EglDisplay live at any one time.

The subtle distinction in the capitalisation — EGLDisplay vs. EglDisplay — is critical. The former belongs to EGL whereas the latter belongs to gecko. The fact they're so similar and that the shift from ESR 78 to ESR 91 has resulted in a switch from one to the other in many parts of the code, makes things all the more confusing.

There's plenty of opportunity for errors here. So I'm thinking: this is something to check.

An obvious place to start these checks is with display initialisation. A quick grep of the code for eglInitialize doesn't give any useful results. However as we saw at some length on Monday, all of these EGL library calls have been abstracted away. And eglInitialize() is no different. The gecko code uses a method called GLLibraryEGL::fInitialize() instead.

Grepping for that throws up some more useful references. The most promising one being this:
static EGLDisplay GetAndInitDisplay(GLLibraryEGL& egl, void* displayType, 
    EGLDisplay display = EGL_NO_DISPLAY) {
  if (display == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) {
      display = egl.fGetDisplay(displayType);
      if (display == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) return EGL_NO_DISPLAY;
      if (!egl.fInitialize(display, nullptr, nullptr)) return EGL_NO_DISPLAY;
  return display;
That's on ESR 78. On ESR 91 things are different and for good reason. The GetAndInitDisplay() method assumes a single instance of EGLDisplay as discussed earlier. On ESR 91 the display is initialised when its EglDisplay wrapper is created:
// static
std::shared_ptr<EglDisplay> EglDisplay::Create(GLLibraryEGL& lib,
                                               const EGLDisplay display,
                                               const bool isWarp) {
  // Retrieve the EglDisplay if it already exists
    const auto itr = lib.mActiveDisplays.find(display);
    if (itr != lib.mActiveDisplays.end()) {
      const auto ret = itr->second.lock();
      if (ret) {
        return ret;

  if (!lib.fInitialize(display, nullptr, nullptr)) {
    return nullptr;
I've chopped off the end of the method there, but the section shown highlights the important part. It's also worth mentioning that in ESR 78 this and the surrounding functionality were all amended by Patch 0038 "Fix mesa egl display and buffer initialisation". I attempted to apply this patch all the way back on Day 55 and it does contain plenty of relevant changes. Here's the way the patch describes itself:
Ensure the same display is used for all initialisations to avoid creating multiple wayland connections. Fallback to a wayland window surface in case pixel buffers aren't supported. This is needed on the emulator.

Unfortunately applying the patch, especially due to the differences in the way EGLDisplay is handled, turned out to be a challenge.

Consequently I'm now working my way through this patch again. It'll take me longer than just today, so I'll continue with it until it's all applied properly and report back if I find anything important tomorrow. Raine (rainemak) also flagged up patches 0045 and 0065. The former claims to "Prioritize GMP plugins over all others, and support decoding video for h264, vp8 & vp9"; whereas the latter will:
Hardcode loopback address for profile lock filename. When engine started without network PR_GetHostByName takes 20 seconds when connman tries to resolve host name. As this is only used as part of the profile lock filename it can as well be like "<pid>".

It'll take me a while to work through these as well, which means that's it for today. I'll write more about all this tomorrow.

If you'd like to read any of my other gecko diary entries, they're all available on my Gecko-dev Diary page.


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