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All items from November 2022

27 Nov 2022 : Waste data dump #
My latest waste data dump is up on my waste page. Usually I do this every fortnight, but because I spent a week in the UK, and have been trying to be super-frugal since I got back, it's been a gap of a month this time. My time away skews the average to 72.34 g/day, which is very low (my average for 2022 so far is 117.18 g/day). But even after adjusting upwards to account for my time away, it's still only 96.45 g/day, which is a good outcome. This is the first time my 2022 average has dropped below my 2021 average, which is one of my goals for the year. Now I just need to try to keep this up over Christmas (which will be impossible, but I can at least try).
11 Nov 2022 : Mastodon badge #
So many people are suddenly migrating to Mastodon, it feels like a scene from Syberia II. To make my Mastodon account just a little easier to find, I've added a Mastodon badge (the purple one containing a letter "M" and with a trunk) to the main page of the site.