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14 Aug 2022 : Waste data dump #
I've uploaded my latest waste data to the waste page. My daily average over the last fortnight of 141.13 g is rather high, and looking at the graphs it seems to be due to increased compost and plastic output. The increased plastic is explainable: I bought a 3 litre bottle of cooking oil which just ran out. But while the larger bottle gives a bump when it's eventually disposed of, I'm reasoning that overall it will help bring down my average, due ot the higher content-to-bottle ratio. The increased compost I can't explain though. It didn't even seem that much to me. Unfortunately while the numbers are in, the main graphs aren't. An operating system upgrade seems to have had a bad effect on my histocurve graphs, which I'm still trying to figure out. Hopefully with a bit of debugging I'll be able to return the graphs soon.