
Presentations and invited talks that I have given or been involved with are shown below. In many cases, the slides may also be available for you to download.

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  • David Llewellyn-Jones, Tomas Lazauskas, Iain Stenson, "Collaborative Computing: JADE''s Impact at the Alan Turing Institute", JADE Day 2024, Oxford, UK, 3 October 2024. More info....
    Download: slides (pdf).
  • David Llewellyn-Jones, Tomas Lazauskas, "Matching AI Research to HPC Resource through Benchmarking and Processes", Durham HPC/AI Days 2024, Durham, UK, 7 May 2024. More info....
    Download: slides (pdf), source (LaTeX).
  • Rosie Wood, David Llewellyn-Jones, Jim Madge, Malvika Sharan, Anne Lee Seele, "FOSDEM conference overview", REG Tech Talk, The Alan Turing Institute, The British Library, London, UK, 2 April 2024. More info....
    Download: recording (private).
  • David Llewellyn-Jones, "RCTab Cloud Subscription Management System", FOSDEM''24, ULB, Brussels, 3 February 2024. More info....
    Download: slides (pdf), source (LaTeX).
  • David Llewellyn-Jones, "Daily Blogging Embedded Gecko Development", FOSDEM''''24, ULB, Brussels, 3 February 2024. More info....
    Download: slides (pdf), source (LaTeX).
  • Tomas Lazauskas, David Llewellyn-Jones, "Benchmarking AI applications on GPUs", Robots in Disguise: The Foundation Models Reading Group, The Alan Turing Institute, The British Library, London, UK, 8 January 2024. More info....
    Download: slides (pdf), source (LaTeX, private).
  • David Llewellyn-Jones, "Running Linux on your Smartphone", REG Lunchtime Tech Talks, British Library, London, UK, 9 May 2023. More info....
    Download: slides (pdf).
  • David Llewellyn-Jones, "Covid Exposure Notification Out in the Open", FOSDEM'23, Brussels, Belgium, 5 February 2023. More info....
    Download: slides (pdf), notes (pdf).
  • David Llewellyn-Jones, "Automatically Generating Visualisations", Molecular Laboratory Training Workshop 2018, Trinity College, Cambridge, UK, 10 September 2018. More info....
    Download: pdf, Source.
  • David Llewellyn-Jones, "MVP Experience of a spinout company", CASAP Phase 3 Bootcamp, Wallacespace, London, UK, 7 September 2018. More info....
    Download: pdf.
  • David Llewellyn-Jones, Graham Rymer, "Cracking PwdHash: A Bruteforce Attack on Client-side Password Hashing", 11th International Conference on Passwords (Passwords 2016), Bochum, Germany, 7 December 2016. More info....
    Download: pdf, Source (LaTeX).
  • David Llewellyn-Jones, Graeme Jenkinson, Frank Stajano, "Explicit Delegation using Configurable Cookies", Security Protocols Workshop (SPW 2016), Brno, Czech Republic, 8 April 2016. More info....
    Download: Slides (pdf), Source (LaTeX).
  • "Secure Proximity-Based Identity Pairing using an Untrusted Signalling Service", IEEE Computer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2016), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 11 January 2016. More info....
    Download: Slides (pdf), Source (LaTeX).
  • "Wireless Sensor Networks", Whole Body Interaction Workshop, Abandon Normal Devices Festival, Medialab, FACT, Liverpool, UK, 25 September 2009. More info....
    Download: Slides (pdf).
  • "Personal Sensor Networks Enriching Personal Digital Memories", 2nd Whole Body Interaction Workshop, HCI2008, Liverpool, UK, 1 September 2008. More info....
    Download: Slides (pdf), Slides (ppt).
  • "Trusted Digital Rights Management in Peer-to-Peer Communities", LJMU fortnightly research student seminar series, Liverpoool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK, 28 November 2007. More info....
    Download: Slides (pdf), Slides (ppt).
  • "Networked Appliances and Virtual Worlds: Bridging the Gap", IV Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Computación y Sistemas, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego (UPAO), Trujillo, Peru, 5-11 November 2007. More info....
    Download: Slides (pdf), Notes (pdf).
  • "Analysis and Detection of Access Analysis and Detection of Access Violations in Componentised Systems Violations in Componentised Systems", 2nd Conference on Advances in Computer Security and Forensics (ACSF 2007), Liverpool, UK, 12-13 July 2007. More info....
    Download: Slides (ppt), Slides (pdf).
  • "Run-time Dynamic Security from a Ubiquitous Computing Perspective", The 2nd ESFORS Workshop on Trust, Security and Dependability in Service Oriented Infrastructures in the context of Resilience in a Computer Supported Service Oriented Economy, Maribor, Slovenia, 10-11 July 2007. More info....
    Download: Slides (ppt), Slides (pdf).
  • "Infinitely Adaptable Gaming: Harnessing the Power of Distributed Network Environments and Component Reuse", Fourth Annual International Conference in Computer Game Design and Technology (GDTW 2006), Liverpool, UK, 16 November 2006. More info....
  • "Pushing the Security Boundaries of Ubiquitous Computing", 1st Conference on Advances in Computer Security and Forensics (ACSF), Liverpool, UK, 13 July 2006. More info....
    Download: Slides (ppt), Slides (pdf).
  • "Secure Component Composition for Personal Ubiquitous Computing", LJMU fortnightly research student seminar series, Liverpoool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK, 21 April 2006. More info....
    Download: Slides (Win32 exe), Slides (ppt), Slides (pdf).
  • "Improving Interoperation Security through Instrumentation and Analysis", First International Workshop on Interoperability Solutions to Trust, Security, Policies and QoS for Enhanced Enterprise Systems (IS-TSPQ 06), Bordeaux, France, 21 March 2006. More info....
    Download: Slides (ppt), Slides (pdf).
  • "Security in a PUC environment using component composition", Prognet 04, 1 December 2004. More info....
    Download: Slides (ppt), Slides (pdf).
  • "A Security Framework for Executables in a Ubiquitous Computing Environment", Globecom 2004, 1 December 2004. More info....
    Download: Slides (ppt), Slides (pdf).
  • "Trust Propagation using Cellular Automata for UbiComp", LJMU fortnightly research student seminar series, Liverpoool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK, 28 June 2004. More info....
    Download: Slides (Win32 exe), Slides (ppt), Slides (pdf).
  • "Secure Component Composition for Personal Ubiquitous Computing", Prognet 03, 16 December 2003. More info....
    Download: Slides (ppt), Slides (pdf).
  • "Project Overview and Potential Techniques", LJMU fortnightly research student seminar series, Liverpoool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK, 16 May 2003. More info....
    Download: Slides (ppt), Slides (pdf).
  • "Automorphisms of Models of Presburger Arithmetic", University of Oxford Mathematical Institute Events, Logic Seminars, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, 8 February 2002. More info....
    Download: Slides (ps), Slides (pdf).
  • "Presburger Arithmetic and Pseudo-Recursive Saturation", Logic Colloquium 2001, 10 August 2001.
    Download: Slides (ps), Slides (pdf), Slides (dvi).
  • "Automorphisms of Presburger Groups", University of Leeds Dept. of Pure Maths, Logic Seminars, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 14 March 2001. More info....
  • "Presburger Arithmetic", 52nd British Mathematical Colloquium 2000, April 2000.
    Download: Slides (ps), Slides (pdf), Slides (dvi).